Alboro Seaside Suites

Contact information

  • Address: Valtos Beach
  • Postal code (ZIP): 480 60
  • City/Location: Parga
  • Phone: +306957200672
  • Fax: +302684032150


If you use google maps you should be very careful because they lead you to a route that it is much longer and not accesible by normal cars. You should first find the way to Valtos beach - Chrisogiali  at Parga and maybe it will be more helpful if you specifically set Tango beach club as your target. After Tango you follow the only road available and about 200m onwards you will pass in front of the main entrance of Parga-beach hotel. About only 15 metres later you will turn left (not right) and follow this road which gradually becomes narrower You will pass successively from Eterrano seaside retreat , Pargadise apartments and then turn right passing in front of the entrance of Cape-North west. Just 10 metres later you are passing a small bridge and then you turn left for another about 250 metres when you will reach Alboro suites. The whole distance from Tango beach club to Alboro suites is not more than 800 metres long and you will find some Alboro signs during the route that will guide you through.

If you use Apple maps or a different application , it is very much possible to guide you through the right way as described above but be careful not to follow the google maps direction beacuse it points you through the mountain side and the same route from Tango to Alboro becomes more than 4km long(instead of only 800m) and the most important reason is that this road is not accesible by cars.

Check the photo with the right directions next to the map.